Humble Beginnings

How it started


In the bustling city of Cape Town, South Africa, my journey began—a journey shaped by both resilience and the profound impact of life's uncertainties. My name is Deneall Clarke, and growing up in Africa, I witnessed firsthand the importance of financial stability. At the tender age of six, a dear friend, a young girl, lost her father, and her world crumbled without the safety net of life insurance. This heartbreaking experience left an indelible mark on my young mind.

As I navigated the challenges of adolescence, life presented me with the responsibility of financially supporting my mother. With no father figure to lean on, I understood the gravity of being unprepared for life's unexpected twists. It was during these formative years that I was introduced to the transformative power of whole life insurance protection and health insurance. The safety nets they provided not only ensured our financial well-being but also offered a sense of security that allowed me to focus on pursuing my dreams.

Fifteen years ago, I embarked on a new chapter in my life by moving to the United States. Here, I found an opportunity to channel my passion for helping others into a career in the insurance industry. The profound impact of life insurance on my own life inspired me to make a difference in the lives of others. I founded my insurance brokerage with the mission of providing families the protection they need to face the future with confidence.

Understanding the importance of life insurance has not only changed my life but has become the driving force behind my commitment to helping people secure their futures. Today, my brokerage is slowly but steadily growing, one family at a time. Each policy I help secure is a step towards building a community resilient to life's uncertainties. Through my journey from Africa to the USA, I have discovered the fulfillment that comes from doing what I love—helping people navigate the complexities of life and find peace of mind through thoughtful insurance planning.

Why People Choose Us?

We're here for the bad times. The good ones, too.

Learn about Our Growth and Innovation

I began my insurance career journey.

I founded Ubuntu Health and Life to assist individuals and businesses with their Health and Life Insurance needs.

In honor of my deceased father, John Franklin Petersen, I decided to change the name of my business to John Franklin Insurance Agency.

Meet Our CEO!

You Are In a Good Company!

Get to Know Our Team

Deneall Clarke

CEO | Insurance Broker

Cleveland Williams

Vice President | Insurance Broker
You are in Good Company

You keep building the life you want. We'll protect it.

Living in a big city has its pros and cons. Thanks to your amazing services I feel safe and taken care of insurance-wise. Excellent customer support, loyal staff and programs!”

Nicole Smith

Nicole Smith

New York

Being in retirement always seemed unknown for risks and income. However, I feel safe after contacting this company. I am grateful for the insurance benefits for my family plan!”

Patricia Moore

Patricia Moore

North Carolina

My experience have been extremely satisying this far, and I am able to live a full life with all the joys of my own house and vehicle. Thank you so much for your hard work!”

Mandy Ferrera

Mandy Ferrera


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